Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week One... Finally

Hello there, family. Sorry for the delay in posting the first challenge- I'm sure you were all on the edge of your seats. Unfortunately, a new job, a small bout of swine flu, and a fantasy football draft have taken up much of my time in the past few weeks. Fortunately, the Klein Family Health Challenge is now raring to go. Also fortunately, this week's task will be nice and simple to ease y'all into the challenge. So, without further adieu, here is the challenge for Week 1 [September 13-20]:

Stretch your body for 15 minutes every day.

Points Value
5 points

That's it. Just stretch for 15 minutes. Simple as that. If you miss a day, you can't get the 5 points. No cheaters [You know who you are]. At the end of the week, please report to me, either through email or posting on the blog, if you completed the challenge.

If you are unfamiliar with stretching, here is a nice link:

Enjoy the stretching!

1 comment:

  1. you know for awhile I was known as "Stretch" Peterson to all my closest friends.
