Thursday, August 20, 2009

What is the Klein Family Health Challenge?

Hello Kleins,

It recently occurred to me that, although I am young and spritely, the rest of y'all are getting old [Yes, even you, Colin. Thirty is right around the corner...]. So, to keep my family young and healthy I am introducing the KLEIN FAMILY HEALTH CHALLENGE. You may or may not participate in this challenge, but the idea is that everyone will join in. I know you all have busy lives, but what is more important than your health? Participating in this challenge will not ensure that you have the lifespan of our grandmas, Irma and Ora, and our grandpa, Herbert, but it will make your little sister very happy, which should be enough of a reason.

This challenge will last approximately four months. At the end of these four months, scores will be calculated and the winner will receive..... [drumroll, please].... 3 hours of work over the Christmas holiday to be performed by me. These 3 hours can consist of many jobs, as I am very talented. My past work has included pond building, babysitting, snow shoveling, and cleaning out a closet full of dresses. You can have these chores completed and much more if you are the Klein Family Health Challenge winner. However, if I am the winner, you will all have to take me out to dinner and give me hugs [coincidentally, you all seem to do those things already]. If Jason or Kim is the winner, we can discuss prize options at the time of the final scoring.

Details of the challenge and scoring are as follows:

-Each week a new challenge will be presented on this blog. The challenge will be given a point value. At the end of the week, each person will post whether or not they completed the challenge. At the end of the challenge, the person with the most points wins. If there is a tie, I will create a tie-breaker challenge.

-The challenges will not require any pre-existing physical fitness. For example, I will not challenge you to run for an hour every day, because that would require that you have a certain level of physical fitness to successfully complete the challenge. There may be some freedom in exactly how you complete the challenge, and everyone will be able to complete each challenge successfully in their own way.

-Although I am undoubtedly the most creative and intelligent [and beautiful] Klein, I do recognize that other Kleins may have great ideas for weekly challenges. If you are one of those Kleins, please email me or post any ideas for a good challenge.

-The points will submitted using an honor system. You can potentially cheat on the Klein Family Health Challenge, but you can't trick your body out of developing heart disease, cancer, and general unwellness. For those of you who have competitive tendencies, this will be a good exercise in practicing honesty.

-To participate, please post a comment on the blog. If you can't figure out how to do this, call me.